A Closer Look at the Opposite of Depression

Cheerfulness, vitality, expression, and more

Help Heal Depression
8 min readSep 10, 2020

The number 1 result on google is the word “cheerfulness”:

google.com, screenshot taken on 10th September 2020

I searched the Internet and found that the most common/popular opposites of depression on various highly ranked search engine results sites are the following two:

  • vitality
  • expression (self-expression)

Other common suggestions are visible in the following screenshot in the google search box autocomplete dropdown:

google.com, screenshot taken on 10th September 2020

Beside “vitality” and “expression”, we also have:

  • purpose (a driving force and point of focus to create something from a positive state of mind)
  • connection (connected with others & life, not feeling disconnected/empty/lonely)
  • play (being playful)

One more generalized term for the opposite of depression is “highly good mood”.

An antidote for depression is also having a peaceful mind (nothing bothers you) and overflowing with love (the focus and point of attention is on something where the positive feeling of love is being experienced).

But what do these two words “vitality” and “expression” actually mean?

“Definition of Vitality” as a Candidate for the Opposite of Depression

Synonyms for vitality are: liveliness, high-spiritedness, vibrancy, vigor, drive, life force energy

To be vital (high energy) one has to be healthy (no physical discomfort or pain is bothering the person) and to be healthy there are three main components people can influence: diet (what you eat and drink on a regular basis), exercise and sleep (amount and quality).

But vitality is not just about physical health, it also about mental and emotional health.

To express vitality, the mind plays an important role too. A big and common part in mental based suffering is due to overthinking and thinking too much about all kinds of things such as past and future instead of being absorbed with your attention and focus in the ever present now. You cannot fully express vitality if you are constantly with your mind somewhere else (past, future) and if this somewhere else is a source of creating negative emotions. The mind is a tool, which can be used in very useful and beneficial ways. It is to be used, but not against yourself. When a person develops and learns habitual negative ways of using the mind, then part of the solution or remedy is to introduce new and more positive ways of utilizing it for his/hers benefit. It can be learned and practiced and it can become automatic (the new default) the same way as negative way of thinking once became more automatic.

“Definition of Expression” as a Candidate for the Opposite of Depression

There is a certain similarity in these two words — only the first two letters are different:



Depression can be interpreted as: certain type of pressure is built and maintained by suppression. People are suppressing something, not letting it out, holding onto it, not letting this stream of energy to be released and expressed freely. Not able to make peace with something, not able to move on and focus the point of attention on other and new things.

Expression also means — expressing your truth, your opinions, expressing your creativity in some way, shape or form. Being a creator and creating something by expressing yourself in your own, unique way. Not waiting, not postponing, not being steered by fears, doubts and worries. Negative emotions affect our health and so do positive emotions. A practice of cultivating and embodying different types of positive emotions on purpose, consciously choosing to live life from those emotions is a beneficial skill and practice for the overall health and well-being.

We can go one step further and combine both of these words “vitality & expression”. We will get: “expressing vitality”, feeling more alive again as a playful open-minded child without the burden of too many concepts and rules and expectations. Simplified living. Looking into minimalism and a minimalist lifestyle may also be of benefit. Finding more reasons, opportunities and ways to embody and express positive emotions. Mastering how to deal with and express emotions, which don’t feel pleasant — if there is anything to learn from them, learn it. Learn to process emotions.

The Opposite of Depression According to Top Ranked German Sites

When searching only on German sites, the result of searching for opposites for depression were described with several words — a blend and mixture of:

  • mania — an unreasonable elevation of mood
  • high energy, highly good mood, positively motivated and excited to go and do something even in a bit reckless way
  • overly happy, joyful, cheerful
  • strong optimism and highly positive thinking expecting good things to happen, using the mind and thoughts in a highly positive way

It is important to say that if a person is not happy, not joyful, not cheerful, it does not mean that the person is depressed or that the person has depression.

Life is not just about the good emotions. It is natural and normal to experience challenges, difficulties, life lessons, hardships in life. It is part of life. Some people get stuck in negativity, and in having some imbalances in the physical body. Searching for professional help is advised if a person experiences prolonged and repetitive states of negative emotions.

Common Depression Symptoms and Their Opposites

When searching for the opposite of depression, another approach is to analyze the wide range of feelings a person who is depressed often feels and find the antonyms/opposites for them.

Based on common “depression symptoms”, the following list of emotions associated with depression is often mentioned.

Common Depression Symptoms & Opposites

As you can see, depression can be a result of several different types of emotions, that’s why it is not that easy and clear, which only one word can be considered as the best opposite for depression. Among others we do have the following three, which seem to be commonly used: mania, vitality, cheerfulness.

What are the Opposites for Love, Joy and Happiness?

When talking about depression (comes with a negative, unpleasant, dull state of being) and searching for the opposite of it, many people when they think about positive emotions, the top 3 are often: love, joy, happiness. Thus, a helpful and relevant piece of information is also: “What are the opposites for the words: love, joy and happiness?”

  • LOVE — opposite: hatred
  • JOY — opposite: misery, despair
  • HAPPINESS — opposite: sadness

Doing the Opposite

Do the opposite of what depression wants you to do.

If you keep doing the same, you will remain the same. The person you are in this moment, you manifested. The person you are in this moment is manifesting another version of yourself.

Knowing the so called “opposite for depression” gives a direction to look into and explore and find out some concrete steps that could be done to make certain changes in life, which will make life for example more enjoyable and make the person be able to feel a wider range of positive emotions more often.

  • VITALITY: Focus on start living a healthier lifestyle (know what it means to live a healthy lifestyle and introduce new bits and pieces into your life gradually)
  • EXPRESSION: Focus on ways how to express yourself (such as through art, hobbies)
  • Create doable short-term goals (break it down into doable much smaller steps) to experience success moments instead of feeling hopeless about many things
  • Find and meet more like-minded people, join some communities (could be also some volunteering based activities) to feel that you belong, that you are a member, that you are not alone

A lot of Money and Good Physical Health is not a Bulletproof Recipe against Depression

By focusing on vitality and self-expression, this is not a guarantee for not getting depressed or for getting out from all types of depression. Being mentally healthy is a more complex affair.

Here are some examples:

Sports professionals: many of them live healthy (diet, sport, wellness), do what they like, but due to pressure (fear of failure, fear of negative consequences) and expectations and stress they can experience depression, which in certain cases leads even to suicide

Successful musicians: famous, earn/have a lot of money, they express themselves via this type of art, still depression and even suicide are around the corner

Money and physical health is not a guarantee for being happy. A person can still be depressed (deeply sad, hopeless, lonely, feel not good enough, rejected, unloved, and other unpleasant emotions and negative thoughts).

Beliefs, the way you think and interpret and deal with life situations (attitude, how much and how long they affect you emotionally) play a big role in whether one can start feeling depressed (a mixture of bad emotions, lack of energy, absence of good emotions, often and for longer periods of time).

A Little Motivation for Today and Everyday

I like to end an article connected to depression with something positive. Here are some positive reminders:

  • Strive for at least 3 hobbies: one that makes you money, one that is fun, one that is relaxing (or what about having a hobby that can be both relaxing and fun and makes you money too?)
  • Don’t ask what the world needs, ask what makes you feel alive. Then go and do it. The world needs more people who are alive.
  • You are always free to begin again. The world was made for those who can begin again.
  • What would love do now? That’s never a wrong choice.
  • Smiling changes automatically your mood (to the better) — love smiling, fall in love with smiling.
  • The more you love and laugh, the closer you are to home. Give smile to the world. Give love to the world. Give kindness to the world.
  • The quality of your thoughts (how you think) determines the quality of your life. Think greater than you feel.

Daily repetition of positive, helpful, inspiring quotes is a useful habit.

You have to consciously decide and keep choosing to make the effort on a daily basis. Keeping and adhering to old dysfunctional beliefs will make it difficult to change your life to the better. You have to take full responsibility for being more mindful about your thoughts and habits and creating the life you like and enjoy living. A common recommendation for cultivating a more peaceful mind and more control over thoughts is regular daily meditation.

If you are interested to find out more about depression, and more about different types of treatment options from a holistic point of view considering the body, mind and spirit aspects of a human being, you can do so by reading the free e-book titled “Quest for a Depression-free Life, a Practical Guidebook” available as a pdf file on helphealdepression.com.

If you experience signs of depression, then seeking out professional experts is highly recommended. The sooner, the better to stop the negative snowballing effect and start and increase the positive snowballing effect.



Help Heal Depression

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